A Dental Filling Might Be Needed to Repair a Small Cavity

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A small area of tooth enamel might gradually become demineralized as a result of poor oral hygiene or trapped bacterial deposits. As a cavity starts to become established, you might notice increased discomfort or gradually worsening sensitivity. If the area of tooth decay is on the lingual surface of a tooth, you might also notice a change in texture when you touch it with your tongue.

In a situation like this, you shouldn’t wait for your next dental checkup to have the tooth examined by Dr. Debora Bolton. If the cavity is still small, they might be able to repair a small area of tooth decay with an amalgam or composite resin dental filling to treat a minor cavity.

Once the tooth and underlying gums have been sufficiently numbed, Dr. Debora Bolton will remove any decayed tooth enamel from the area. This will also involve preparing the surface to bond the eventual dental filling.

The tooth’s visibility in your smile and its primary function in your mouth will determine the material they recommends for the dental filling.

Metallic amalgam is slightly dark in color, so they are most often called for to repair a cavity that won’t appear in your smile.

Composite resin is made from a special type of dental grade plastic. This substance can be shaded to match tooth enamel. This is the preferred choice for a dental filling that will appear in your smile.

If you live in the Durham, North Carolina, area and you suspect a cavity is developing on one of your teeth, you should call 919-381-5900 to have it examined and treated by at Bull City Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, Debora Bolton DDS.