ADA Code of Personal Conduct & Principles of Ethics

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Dr. Debora Bolton is proud to be a member of the American Dental Association. Our patients truly appreciate the patient-first promise that they and other ADA dentists made as part of the association’s code of ethics. When a dentist joins the ADA, he or she makes five pledges in the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Personal Conduct. You can expect that our ADA dentist in Durham, North Carolina, will:

Respect a Patient’s Needs & Wants
An ADA dentist pledges to put you, the patient, first and involve you in treatment decisions. Your desires will be taken into account with your treatment, as long as your desires are within the bounds of accepted treatment.

Do Good
ADA dentists provide timely, high-quality treatment while considering the patient’s needs, desires, and values. ADA dentists discuss treatment options with each patient so that they can come to an agreement about what’s best.

Be Fair
ADA dentists pledge to provide dental care without prejudice or discrimination. Everyone is treated fairly.

Do No Harm
It is the duty of our dentist to keep you safe and healthy. To do this, Dr. Debora Bolton will keep current with their education. This will help them to use the latest in dental techniques and technologies. In addition, our dentist will refer you to a specialist if necessary so that you can receive the best care possible.

Be Truthful
The best patient-doctor relationships are based on honesty and trust. Once you have formed this bond of trust, you and your ADA dentist can be partners in your dental care.

We invite you to contact Bull City Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, Debora Bolton DDS today to learn more about our ADA dentist and to schedule your next visit.