Dental Exams Help Monitor Your Child’s Oral Development

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The first year of a child’s life is full of wonder and new developments, which includes the development of your child’s primary teeth. Most children start teething in the first six months and usually have their full complement of teeth by the end of their second year.

Our dentists notes that you can start brushing and flossing your child’s teeth as soon as they emerge from the gums. Many oral hygiene manufacturers offer small toothbrushes and child-safe toothpaste in pleasing colors and flavors. If you are having a hard time flossing the teeth in the back of their mouth, you might want to try using a small floss stick.

Dr. Debora Bolton also notes that your child should have a dental exam performed at some point in your child’s first year. The outpatient appointment is designed to monitor your child’s oral health and development. It’s also a good opportunity to ask our dentists any teething questions.

Your child should then have a dental exam every six months to continue to monitor their oral development. If our dentists finds an area of concern, they will explain your treatment or possible preventive treatments.

If you live in the Durham, North Carolina, area and your child is due for their first dental exam, you should call 919-381-5900 to set up an appointment at Bull City Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, Debora Bolton DDS.